Details: Category: Land Register Searches | Published: 24 October 2015 | Hits: 139380

This pack contains the Title Register, Title Plan, Sasine Search Sheet and copy of a Disposition deed at a discounted price. 

The Title Register contains a description of the property, its title number, the date of first registration, the area of the land where it is greater than 0.5 hectare, the date of the last entry in the title sheet. The Register provides information about the current owner(s) name and address. It contains the consideration (price paid) and the date of entry. It will also include details of any securities and/or burdens registered to the property.

The Title Plan shows the general extent of the property by red edging. Title Plans are prepared on the Ordnance Survey map and include the outline of the surrounding properties. There may be entries in the register which clarify the extent of the title and colour references that are shown on the title plan. The title plan may also contain references to leases, rights of access, easements, charges, boundary maintenance liability, etc.

The Sasine Register, the older type of register in Scotland is a chronological list of land deeds. It is based on written descriptions of properties (unlike the modern Land Register, which is map-based). The Sasine Register Search Sheet contains a brief description of the property including its approximate size and address or relative location (e.g. 430/1000 acre of ground bounded on north west by Edinburgh Road).

Old deeds are referred to in the Sasine Register Search Sheet or in the Title Register by dates and parties. These deeds are not held by Registers of Scotland but can normally be obtained from the National Archives of Scotland. We search the first Disposition Deed referred to in the Sasine Register. This will provide useful information about the property and and may include a deed plan.

Please note that Land Register of Scotland became operational between 1981 (Renfrewshire) and 2003. Properties that have not been sold since the operational date of the particular county may not be registered in the Land Register. For the list of the operational dates please visit our FAQ.

If the property that you search for is not registered in the Land Register we will provide you with an extract from the Sasine Register or Applications Register; the search fee is not refundable.


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